6/12-6/16 Weekly Work

Session Number:6
Week Number:3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? My goal for this week is to do my LinkedIn recommendation and make a resume, work on things from other classes, and still work on graphics.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/12I worked on my storyboard for my theater class I had to draw out what I was going to do for my silent film.1 hr This was best practice because is was on task and finishing up my work.
6/13 I worked on a LinkedIn Resume.1 hr This was best practice because it helped know what I would have to do when I want to get a job.
 6/14 I worked on a LinkedIn Recommendation. 1 hr This was best practice because it showed me what i would have to do if I had to write a recommendation foe someone and what steps I would need to take to do that.
 6/15 I worked on my final for my English class. 1 hr This was best practice because it helped me get more of it done and I was on task.
 6/16 I worked in pixel art and I also worked more on my English final. 1 hr This was best practice because I worked on something game design related and what I made was a sunset and it was also best practice because I am almost finished with my English final.


  • TITLELinkedin


  • What an employer would want out of an employee is professionalism and a strong work ethic. They would also want you to have strong professional social skills. They would also want you to have a good reputation. Something else they would look for is somebody that has a good work balance. They also want someone that is dedicated. They also want someone that is always looking to improve themselves in the work place.


  • I have not had a job yet.


  • Capital High School
  • Niceville High School

Top Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Treats everyone with Respect
  • Complete all my work
  • Communication
  • Punctual



A Honor Roll Award- June 4th, 2022

6/5-6/9 Weekly Work

Session Number:6
Week Number:2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4
What is/was your overall goal for this week? To work more on Graphics

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/6 I decided to draw a cat1 hr The reason why this was best practice is because it helped me draw animals better.
 6/7 Going to do some creative drawing 1 hr This was best practice because it allowed me to not have any type of boundaries.
 6/8 I decided to draw a blue sky today. 1 hr This was best practice because I got to see what I could make with one color just in different shades.
 6/9 What I am going to do is try and make a picture with all the colors they have. I also worked on things for theater we are going to film a silent film.  1 hr This was best practice because this will really let me be creative and see what I will be able to come up with. This was also best practice because I used my time to also complete other work and stay productive.