6/12-6/16 Weekly Work

Session Number:6
Week Number:3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? My goal for this week is to do my LinkedIn recommendation and make a resume, work on things from other classes, and still work on graphics.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/12I worked on my storyboard for my theater class I had to draw out what I was going to do for my silent film.1 hr This was best practice because is was on task and finishing up my work.
6/13 I worked on a LinkedIn Resume.1 hr This was best practice because it helped know what I would have to do when I want to get a job.
 6/14 I worked on a LinkedIn Recommendation. 1 hr This was best practice because it showed me what i would have to do if I had to write a recommendation foe someone and what steps I would need to take to do that.
 6/15 I worked on my final for my English class. 1 hr This was best practice because it helped me get more of it done and I was on task.
 6/16 I worked in pixel art and I also worked more on my English final. 1 hr This was best practice because I worked on something game design related and what I made was a sunset and it was also best practice because I am almost finished with my English final.


  • TITLELinkedin


  • What an employer would want out of an employee is professionalism and a strong work ethic. They would also want you to have strong professional social skills. They would also want you to have a good reputation. Something else they would look for is somebody that has a good work balance. They also want someone that is dedicated. They also want someone that is always looking to improve themselves in the work place.


  • I have not had a job yet.


  • Capital High School
  • Niceville High School

Top Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Treats everyone with Respect
  • Complete all my work
  • Communication
  • Punctual



A Honor Roll Award- June 4th, 2022

6/5-6/9 Weekly Work

Session Number:6
Week Number:2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4
What is/was your overall goal for this week? To work more on Graphics

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/6 I decided to draw a cat1 hr The reason why this was best practice is because it helped me draw animals better.
 6/7 Going to do some creative drawing 1 hr This was best practice because it allowed me to not have any type of boundaries.
 6/8 I decided to draw a blue sky today. 1 hr This was best practice because I got to see what I could make with one color just in different shades.
 6/9 What I am going to do is try and make a picture with all the colors they have. I also worked on things for theater we are going to film a silent film.  1 hr This was best practice because this will really let me be creative and see what I will be able to come up with. This was also best practice because I used my time to also complete other work and stay productive.

5/30-6/2 Weekly Work

Session Number:6
Week Number:1
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4
What is/was your overall goal for this week? My overall goal for this week is to work more on graphics.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
5/30 drawing in pixel art1 hr The reason why I am doing this for the whole week is so I can improve my skills in digital drawing I will draw different things each day.
 5/31 drawing in pixel art1 hr   This day I drawed a landscape this was good for me because it allowed me to use a multitude of colors.
 6/1 drawing in pixel art 1 hr This day I drawed a ghost it helped me use the dark colors.
 6/2 drawing in pixel art 1 hr today I am going to continue to draw the eluminate this is helping use different types and shades of green.

5/8-5/12 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:5
Week Number:8
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? To play with my game.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
5/8I played with my game.1 hr This was my best work because I wanted to make sure it is playable.
5/9 I went back to brain storming about if I wanted to add anything to it.1 hr  This was good for me because it made think of ways to make my game better.
 5/10 What I did was see other people’s game and how it works. 1 hr This was good because it showed me where everybody else is and there capabilities.
 5/11 What I want to is make another part to my game. 1 hr This is good for me because it will make me a little more creative with my game.
 5/12 I am going to go on pixel art and start to design the new section of my game.  1 hr This is good because it lets me go deeper into the designing part of gaming.

5/1-5/5 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:5
Week Number:7
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? To make another character

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
5/1I went on to pixel art and made a new character.1 hr This was good for me because it let me work on the design part of gaming.
5/2 I finished my character and put into a different section so I could see what I need to put in it so it can move.1 hr This was good for me because it challenged my problem solving skills.
 5/3 I was still working on what I was doing the day before but it is a hard.1 hr  This was good for me because it really made me think it made me break things apart and put it back together just a little bit differently.
 5/4 I have decided that I don’t want to do a character so now I am thinking of what else I want to do with my game.1 hr This is good for me because it shows me that it is okay to change plans and make different decisions.
 5/5 Today, I am brain storming on what else I want to do. 1 hr This is good for me because it helps me think rather than just slapping something on there just because.

4/24-4/28 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:5
Week Number:6
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? To create a new character for my game.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
4/24What I did was played with my game and made sure everything was all good with no hick ups.1 hr Yes, this was the good for me because it let me see if I needed to fix something.
4/25 What I did was go on pixel art and started to make a new character did not get to finish yet.1 hr  Yes, because I need to know how to make my own characters.
 4/26 What I did was finish my character and put it on my game and tried to make it move around. 1 hr Yes, because I wanted to see how it would work if I did the character myself and still work.
 4/27 This day the character that I made is not working so I have taken it off the game and I am now trying to think of what I want to do now. 1 hr Yes, because it is helping problem solve and see what I can do to make it work.
 4/28 Today I am going to make another character but this time I am going to put it on it’s own section so I can see what I need to do to make it move properly and then add it back to my game and see if it will work then. 1 hr Yes, this is going to be good because it is going to show me what I need to put in my to make it work together.

4/24-4/28 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 7
Week Number 6
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week? To create a new character for my game.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/24What I did was played with my game and made sure everything was all good with no hick ups. 1 hr  Yes, this was the good for me because it let me see if I needed to fix something.
4/25 What I did was go on pixel art and started to make a new character did not get to finish yet1 hr yes, because I need to know how to make my own characters
 4/26 What I did was finish my character and put it on my game and tried to make it move around. 1 hr yes, because I wanted to see how it would work if I did the character myself and still work
 4/27 This day the character that I made is not working so I have taken it off the game and I am now trying to think of what I want to do now. 1 hr  yes, because it is helping problem solve and see what I can do to make it work
 4/28 Today I am going to make another character but this time I am going to put it on it’s own section so I can see what I need to do to make it move properly and then add it back to my game and see if it will work then. 1 hr yes, this is going to be good because it is going to show me what I need to put in my to make it work together.

4/17-4/21 2023 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 6
Week Number 5
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  working on my game in construct

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/17I worked in construct and looked over my event sheet.1 hr 
4/18 I add more food to my game I drawed it out in pixel-art 1 hr 
 4/19 I played my game to see if it is working how I want it to 1 hr 
 4/20 I played my game again and moved somethings around. 1 hr 
 4/21 Today I am going to create new character in pixel-art 1 hr 

Date: April 10-14 2023

Session Number 5
Week Number 4
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  My goal through this week was to add more things to my game.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/10I went into pixel-art and designed some fruit for my game.1 hr 
4/11 I played my game to make sure everything was working the way I wanted it to.1 hr 
 4/12 I figured out how to have something destroy my player in my game 40 min 
 4/13 I went back into pixel-art and did some more designing  1 hr 
 4/14 Today I am going to add more things try and figure out if I can add a different level to my game and make another player soon 1 hr 

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